
After taking a much needed break from study for a year, today is the day I start my next module! Mathematics methods, models and modelling (which essentially amounts to "Mechanics").

Over the past year, I've been trying to keep my brain moderately agile by reading up on automata theory, which in some respects is a continuation of group theory from my previous Pure Mathematics module. If I ever have time, I'll write some findings up here about it. Though given I haven't even found time to write up my results of my Analysis work from my last module, this may too fall by the wayside!

Though despite the fact that my brain hasn't been entirely switched off over the past year, I'm still a bit nervous about starting this new module given that I haven't looked at calculus in such a long time. Here's hoping it all comes flooding back!

It seems that in this module there's yet another type of mathematics software that's been introduced. This one is called Maxima. It appears to perform the same role as Mathematica or Maple. Though it's another type of software, it shouldn't take too long to become familiar with it. 

First section is on first and second-order differential equations, and the first assignment appears to contain a merciful count of three questions. Time to dive in!